Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I am so excited about Thanksgiving this year. I am always excited about seeing my family and eating all that wonderful food, but this year I am also excited because Smug-Baby is just so full of personality now! The last time the family was together was at Easter and she was still pretty clingy wants only Smug-Hub and I and didn't have much fun with the other kids.

Now she is starting to feel more confident in herself and her world. I think that it will take her some time to warm up to everyone (because my family is large and loud and it is probably overwhelming for a tiny person), but I think that this year, she will be running around with the other kids and getting into stuff and having a fun time.

I am also really excited about all the food! Oh, I mentioned that already did I? Well, I like food and I like eating and I like cooking, so its a trifecta of awesome!!

Today after I leave the office I am going home to make a pound cake, cranberry salad and a sweet potato casserole! The pound cake is from Paula Dean, and I made it last week too and it is OMG awesome!!! The cranberries are a recipe that I got from the Grandmother of an old boyfriend a 100 years ago and everyone loves it. You know if it came from a grandma it is going to be good! The sweet potatoes are going to be vegan! Everyone in my family is a huge meat eater and always turns their noses up at my "strange" eating habits, but they all love my sweet potatoes and they are totally vegan! I make it with Silk Creamer and Earth Balance, they are creamer and wonderful and everyone loves them! I don't have the heart to tell them that they are eating something "strange"!

I may spill the beans this year, because my cousin recently watched Food, Inc. and has decided that my "Strange" eating habits might be something she wants to partake in too! I think that she is cutting out all animal products completely, while I am less hardcore when it comes to holiday's! I like the traditional favorites and I try to eat really decently the rest of the year, so I give myself a break around the holiday's.

I am really looking forward to being with all these people that I love so much! I want to hang out and talk and catch up with what everyone has been doing and I squeeze the babies and see how much the kids have grown! There are a couple pregnant belly's to be kissed and some football to be watched. I want to relax and let others entertain my child for a bit and just be with people who love me, even if I eat "Strangely"!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jinxing Myself

I know that by typing this out I am jinxing myself and will be kicking myself tomorrow, but…

We have had three really good nights in a row!! This week, so far, has been really good in the sleeping department! Smug-Baby has gone down for a restful sleep at about 9pm each night and only nursed once or twice during the night. I have woken a few times to roll over or whatever, but basically have gotten 5-6 hours of solid sleep before Smug-Baby wants to nurse sometime around 2am.

She is actually not nursing much during the day this week either and I wonder if she is starting to wean herself a bit. She still nurses for comfort and to fall asleep at night and I am really happy about the developments. I like that she is still nursing and I love the bonding, but I am getting tired of her trying to nurse and “dance” at the same time and causing me pain J I guess this is the natural evolution of things and I am OK with it.

Getting some decent sleep during the evenings has allowed me to function better during the day and I have been getting a lot done. This is the last week that I will be caring for Smug-Niece and I feel like I am doing a better job of being there for both girls now that I am not feeling so tired that I can’t move. I am really looking forward to next week when it is just Smug-Baby and I and my normal “to do” list. I want to get naps established first thing and get my house back into shape, but I am really looking forward to a more relaxed schedule and lots of time to play with my girl!!!