I met up with Mom and Will at SpeeDee so Mom could leave her car to be worked on and we all headed up with Rocky Mount to the hair place.
We then headed back into Roanoke and I realized that all I had eaten all day was Cheerios! So we ran to Panera for a quick salad and Sassy met up with us there and we all drove to the hotel (where I was to get ready) together!
Sassy and Smug-Sister helped me get into all my wedding finery and then Sassy went to work on my makeup. This would be the time to mention that I currently have 2 zits (I hardly ever break out) AND a gold sore on my lip!! Sassy had her work cut out for her, but she rose to the challenge and I turned out looking fabulous. Smug-Sister helped me with the necklace and earrings and I was all set and ready to go.
The photographers arrived about that time and we started taking pictures! We took a few at the hotel then we all piled into cars and drove downtown and spent the next few hours walking around and taking pictures at cool locations. The photographers, d'Artisti, were so much fun to work with! They
When we finished up, I was really anxious to get back into "summer" clothes and took a nice long shower when I got home! I was tired, hungry, and completely happy! This was so much fun!! Everyone should have a couple of photographers take them to cool places and spend hours taking a ton of pictures!! So much fun!!
I am such a lucky woman! I have a wonderful family, great friends, a fabulous boy who wants to marry me, a job that I enjoy, an education, a nice car and a nice place to live!! I am so grateful to have all this!!
The photographers are pretty awesome and they took some very interesting & beautiful pictures of you!