We had the house inspected yesterday and it passed with flying colors!! Only 4 little things need to be fixed and all of them combined should be well under the $500 the sellers are responsible for. First issue was that the deck is not bolted to the house, it is nailed, nails rust, which can be a safety issue. Secondly, also on the deck, one of the posts is loose and wobbly. Third, in the bathroom, one of the sinks in leaking and is also that sink is not getting any hot water. Lastly, there is one vent in the living room that is not blowing heat/air, it may be blocked or not connected to the main. See! All small stuff!!
Next, I need to call the mortgage lender and find out what steps are next with her, but at this point, we just wait to close!!
Here are a few more pictures!


Back of the house

This is the "Thomas The Tank Engine" room. My nephew thinks this is the coolest room in the whole house! He told me that this would be his room when he came over for a sleep over.
This will actually be painted and will become the new baby's room, whenever we decided to embark on that chapter!!
Very nice. Sounds like things are moving along nicely. Can't wait to see more pictures!