Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Alexander's Not The Only One...

So, today is turning into a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (did you ever read that book?). Anyway, it started out with Smug-Baby being awake and wanting to nurse all night long. She was very restless, which in turn kept waking me up to hook her back on. When I got ready to get into the shower, she was asleep, but not deeply and I could hear her screaming from the shower. Her dad tried everything, but she simply wanted to nurse, so I jumped back in bed and tried to get her fed and back to sleep. She nursed and started to fall back asleep, but instead projected spit up all over herself, me, the bed and her dad!

Then, on the way into work, I stopped to get gas in the truck for Smug-Hub; I thought it would be a nice little gesture of love, one less thing for him to do, etc. Well, I haven’t put gas in the truck before and I was a little far from the pump, once I got the gas pumping and the little leaver in place to keep the gas pumping, I was going to wash the windshield, so I went to step over the gas line, caught my foot on the black rubber hose and ripped the pump out of the tank, and sprayed gas all over everything! All over the truck, the pavement and me!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I sprayed gas all over my clothes, in my hair, in my eye, up my nose and in my mouth! Please, no one light a match!! My eye was burning (and still is actually), while I completed the task of putting the gas actually into the truck and went on into work. I was only 1 minute from the office and 20 minutes from home. I washed my face and flushed my eye with water. There wasn’t much I could do about my clothes, so I called Smug-Hub and asked him to bring me some more, and the smell is better, but it is still in my hair so I can’t get rid of it completely.

Once that was under control, I decided to make some breakfast and proceeded to overflow my oatmeal all over the microwave. This has a two-fold result, the first being a messy clean up and the second, it leaves me will very little actual oatmeal to consume, thus leaving me hungry and not a little bit cranky.

I got up to shower and 4:30 this morning when this day from hell began and it is only 6:45am now!! Oh God – I have a lot more hours left in this day, please help me to not kill or maim anyone else or myself!!

1 comment:

  1. good lord woman. this is a VERY bad day. i hope the rest of it is better.
