Monday, September 20, 2010

Lovely Weekend

I think that I have convinced Smug-Hub to join me on this diet and exercise plan. His request was that we start on Monday so that we could take full advantage of the Greek Festival this weekend and I hardily agreed! I also think that we will start out with this being a week day diet, giving us the weekend to look forward to having a treat of some kind if we are "good" all week long. That way, we kind of ease into it and don't spend the whole week thinking about all the foods that we "will never eat again"!!

I did spend several hours Friday getting the house super clean (OK, not super clean, but pretty clean) and started out the weekend feeling really happy and at peace. I feel so much better about life and everything when the house is in order. I checked out the website that Southern Living Mama recommended, called Home-EC 101 and while I love their plan for getting everything clean and keeping it that way, I really enjoy having the whole house clean at the same time. Also, right now, we only have the one baby so maybe if we have more babies and some dogs in the future, it will make more sense to split up the work. As it stands now, I was able to strap the baby to my back and get the whole house cleaned in about 3 hours. Then I had the rest of the weekend free to play with Smug-Baby and Smug-Hub!

We had a lovely weekend beginning with Smug-Baby and I taking a bike ride with my dad Saturday morning. Turned out the tires were almost flat on both my bike and the trailer that Smug-Baby rides in and that made the ride really difficult and I was shaky and sore at the end of it. Then we met up with some out-of-town family for breakfast before heading home to work on the laundry.

Later, we met up with my girlfriend and her baby boy, and we all trooped out to the Greek Festival and ate ourselves silly! Man oh man, how I love this yearly treat! The food is so good and I love listening to the music and watching the kids dance and always run into everyone I've ever met there!! Jenna and I were both wearing our babies and people openly stared and pointed and made comments as they tried to lug their heavy strollers through the crowd. We felt cool and smart! We also noticed that a lot of the strollers being pushed around were empty as the children were so unhappy to be in them that they were freed and were running around in the grass playing.

Sunday was totally relaxed. My dad and I took Smug-Baby to the pool and she again loved it! She really thinks she can swim! Kicking her legs and smacking the water with her arms and hands. She loved watching all the other people and just being in the water. I am thinking that she might have to go into competitive swimming instead of soccer, but don't tell her daddy that!

I have some plans for little projects to complete this week, but the main focus is going to be on exercising and getting the baby back on her normal schedule. I think that she may be having a growth spurt. The last two nights, she has nursed more than she slept. She keeps latching on, sucking for a few minutes, then rolling over and sleeping on her other side. This repeats about every 10 minutes and I am awake for most of it, because by the time I am falling back asleep, she is rolling back over to latch on again. I hope that it calms down soon, I like it when she sleeps most of the night, waking only once or twice to nurse.

I want to finally start getting some pictures up on the walls in our house. We have lived here for more than three years and we have only a mirror, one picture and one painting on the walls. I have cool frames that I want to put wedding pictures in and I want to get some baby pictures up too. That is one of the projects for this week, start picking out which pictures should go in each frame and get them ordered. I also REALLY need to spend an hour or so getting all the paperwork filed. Things are starting to fall off my desk I have put it off so long! I have some toys that I need to steam clean so Smug-Baby can play with them and wipe the dust and crud off the washer and dryer. Those are my little goals for this week - totally doable I think!!

I am looking forward to this week, being home and back on the schedule that I love so much. I miss my MIL and I think Smug-Baby does too, and Smug-Hub is beside himself with missing his family, so it is bittersweet. I love having my house and routine back, but at what price...

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a super nice weekend. I'm glad the baby is doing so well too :)
