This weekend sorta sucked. I mean, just by the fact that it was the weekend makes it good, but when your sweet, loving, happy baby is in pain and crying and miserable the whole time that can put a damper on any good times.
I really wanted to spend the weekend with my family and I wanted to get a bunch of stuff done around the house. Every week I make a list of the things that need to get done and I put them in order of importance and put the most important stuff on Monday and the next important stuff on Tuesday and so on. At the end on Monday, anything that I didn’t get to, gets pushed to Tuesday and so on that way until the end of the week. The weekend is the time for house cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking for the week and getting anything that didn’t get done during the week completed before the next week starts.
I have gotten into a fairly good habit of getting the house cleaning, laundry and everything else done on Friday or early Saturday, this leaves Sunday for fun family time and for any outstanding to do items. This week was really rough on everyone. Smug-Baby’s teething and Smug-Niece (and Smug-Sister) having a head cold combined to create a perfect storm of horrible all week long. When I would get home from babysitting in the evenings I would try to spend that time filling Smug-Baby’s emotional cup and we would play on the floor and read books and nurse and cuddle in the hopes that the following day would be better.
The to do items for the whole week got pushed out to the weekend. I even took a day off from my “job” job and still didn’t manage to get anything done, so when the weekend got here, I knew that I was going to be busy. The problem was that the teething was still going on and Smug-Baby didn’t want her mama out of her arms, left alone out of her sight! Smug-Hub was needed for some family stuff so that took him away for a while, whereas he is normally able to either entertain the girl or do some of the things around the house that need to get done and that didn’t happen.
Here is what I did get done this whole weekend: two loads of laundry(not as of yet folded), one load of diapers (folded, not put away), grocery shopping, breakfasts for the week made, lunches for the week made, kitchen cleaned, and some photos uploaded to Shutterfly. That’s it! In 48 hours of the weekend, that was all that managed to get done.
Here is what didn’t get done: the rest of the laundry, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, filing paperwork, cleaning the downstairs bathroom, cleaning up the downstairs itself (I mean, it is starting to look like an episode of Hoarders down there), sorting baby clothes that are my cousins from those that are mine, and spending any quality time with my husband!!
On a positive note, I am getting my new vacuum cleaning Tuesday (I have been borrowing mom’s for the last year) and I am not working for Smug-Sister Thursday and Friday this week, so I should have time to catch up on a few of these things as long as the teething gives my poor child a break! I hope that she is about finished for a while; she has been really strong though the whole thing, but she is having a rough time!!
Spring is coming and I want to spring clean my house and reorder my life! I am finally slimming down physically and I want to slim down all the crap we have tucked away in the house. I want to have a yard sale and donate stuff to Goodwill and box up stuff that we want to keep but don’t have a place for right now (.i.e. stuff that Smug-Baby will pull over/off/down). I want to get that downstairs room cleaned up and looking nice for any company that might want/need to stay with us and I want it done soon!! Soon, my Saturday’s will be spent outside, biking and hiking and there will be no time for housework!!!
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