Well, I actually got a lot of the stuff on my list done yesterday. My attempts to do the cardio video were severely hampered by the fact that now I can't find the DVD!! I had it. It was in the front cover of the book. I had the book in the car. The book is still in the car, but the DVD is not inside the cover. I looked all around the floorboards and slidy places a DVD could hide in the car, but couldn't find it. I thought maybe I had brought it inside without remembering and I spent so much time looking for it that Smug-Baby woke up from her nap :( Oh Shucky Darn!!
Actually it really is a shame because I was actually really wanting to do it! Instead I spent the day doing everything else on my list and even made lunch for Smug-Grandma and made it over to the hospital to visit with Gramps for a bit after Smug-Hub got home from work. I feel productive :)
My visit with Gramps was really nice. He is starting to act more normal and not saying so much crazy stuff. I am told that he isn't violent or paranoid much at all anymore and while he is still really, really weak, he is doing much better and should be able to go to a rehab facility in the next several days. The hope is that he will do a lot of physical therapy and get his strength back and still be able to go live with Smug-Sister like has always been the plan. It is such a turnaround from saying our good-byes to thinking that he will be back to the way he was before his disastrous visit with my nutty aunt. I am still so angry at her for being so arrogant and self centered and negligent!!
On to better topics. I made the final $8.49 payment needed to pay off one of the credit cards and paid the final $118.60 on one of the last two medical bills for Smug-Baby's birth. I still have the big one ($860) and another two credit cards to work on ($211 and $2,080), but those are going down, down, down!! I still have funds left over from these pay checks for groceries and the increased cost of gas!! I love feeling like things are going to be OK financially!!
I finished another one of the garage shelves and found a ton of books that I have been saving since I was a child that I wanted to share with my child one day. I almost cried when I realized that when I packed these books up, Smug-Baby was just a hope, a someday idea and now she is here and soon we will be reading Caddie Woodlawn and Swallows and Amazons!! There was a lot less on that shelf that will be going into the yard sale pile :)
I have two more shelving units to go through and both of them I think are pretty well organized with out of season clothes on one and Christmas stuff on the other. I will go through them to be sure, but that should go quickly tomorrow.
I am sort of ashamed to admit that I was sucked in and actually purchased something from an infomercial, but then I remembered that I have ordered crap from infomercials a lot in my past and sent almost everything back, so perhaps this will be the same! Anyway, I have been reading Tracy Anderson's book. I really like what she has to say and her workout ideas make sense. My only complaint was that it is hard to workout while flipping the pages of a book and I wished she had a DVD. I got online, but all the DVD's were really expensive and made before she launched The Method and I wanted something that went with the book I was reading. Then while I was flipping channels while nursing one day, I came across her face so I stopped and watched.
She has launched something called Metamorphosis and it is a program that trains you using all the principles within The Method. The entire 90 day program is only about $80 and you have 30 days to try and return if you don't like it. I have been looking for something like this! The program is broken down into different body types and includes special work for your specific problem areas. One of the programs is for those who gain weight all over, like me. I turned off the TV and went about my life for a few days. I didn't want this to be an impulse buy. A week or so later I finally got online and read some of the reviews and blogs from people working this program and then I thought about it some more. I finally ordered it last week and it should arrive tomorrow. I want to go though and watch the DVD's this afternoon and start the program tomorrow!
I hope that this is what I have been looking for. I know that I struggle with getting DVD's turned on and actually playing, but once they are on, I do the work! I have been really feeling lethargic during the winter and wanting to get outside, but videos are the best option for my life at this moment, so I need to make the effort! I am excited about starting this and hopeful to see what Weight Watchers and Tracy Anderson combined can do for these last 25 pounds and how I feel overall!!
Wish me luck :)
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