This morning as I am waiting for the veggies to soften I am thinking back about my wonderful weekend. I drove up Saturday morning to North Carolina to stay with my good Friend, Simple Peace Mama and her family. They have a new house I was dying to see and I was missing her and her son, T, like crazy! Smug-Hub was going to fishing in Tennessee over the weekend so it was good timing too.
The drive was really nice and Smug-Baby slept the whole way there and I listened to a book on my iPod. I arrived just in time for lunch and after showing me around her lovely new home, SPM made me a delicious lunch consisting of lettuce from her garden, goat cheese, roasted red peppers, walnuts and a grilled Portobello mushroom. It was light and refreshing and wonderful! Smug-Baby had some banana and when T got up from his nap they both had some grapes and little cookies. After that we went to a cloth diaper swap that SPM’s mothering group was having and I purchased one diaper that I hadn’t seen before, it looks like a cool option and I am looking forward to getting it stripped and washed really good and seeing how it does.
The other mothers were very nice and welcoming. We were all gathered in the living room next to the kitchen and the house has two big rooms off the other side of the kitchen that have been turned into kid’s play rooms with lots of toys. When we first arrived I had Smug-Baby in my lap and after about 5 minutes, she climbed up and toddled off into the kid’s play rooms to mingle and play with all the other kids. She was the youngest and yet had no problem asserting herself and taking a toy away from another child. I guess she really is a first born after all J
After leaving the mothers group, SPM and I were both hungry for dinner so we headed to a Mexican place and I had this really wonderful grilled veggie burrito, filled with peppers, mushrooms, zucchini and onions. Smug-Baby and T shared some beans and we ate lots of chips with salsa and guacamole. We were so full afterward we both swore we were never going to eat ever again. Instead, we took a nice brisk walk around her neighborhood and the lake in the fading sunlight. It was about 8 when we got back to her house and decided to put the babies in the bath together. They played a bit but mostly did their own thing. It was cute, but a little anti-climactic! We visited a bit more before putting the babies to sleep. I laid in bed with Smug-Baby thinking that I would get back up when SPM finished putting T to bed, but I fell asleep instead and slept all night. Smug-Baby who has been waking wanting to play in recent nights, woke only to nurse a few times during the night and once for a bad dream, but all in all, it was a great night’s sleep.
Sunday morning, we let the kids run around and play a bit before getting ourselves showered and dressed. About 9:30 we ended up at Earth Fare, a grocery store that also offers a Sunday brunch of local and natural foods. I had a Mexican Coffee, a muffin, some grits with goat cheese and some fruit. Smug-Baby had mostly muffin and kept spitting out the oatmeal whenever I tired to get her to eat some of that. We spent the next two hours and over $100 in the depths of this wonderful store! I was in vegan heaven, but they also have local, organic meats and cheeses and all these ingredients that I see on the Food Network all the time that should be available in grocery stores everywhere, but aren’t in my little southern town.
After we finished, I took Smug-Baby to McDonalds and let her play in the play area for a little while before getting on the road home. As it was she was really upset and fussy for about the first 30 minutes before she gave into sleep and slept until I bumped into the driveway home. As it turned out the river was flooded out and Smug-Hub was unable to fish and he came home on Saturday. He was frustrated about not being able to fish and about coming home to an empty house. He hung out with Smug-Baby while I went to the grocery store for our weekly menu items and while I was out I went and signed up for the pool so I can take Smug-Baby swimming all summer. I also took Pioneer Woman’s advice and went into Talbot’s and got two pairs of jeans – in size 12!!!!!! They are actually a big loose in the legs, but a bit tight in the waist. I think I may take them over to the tailor and see if she can fit them to my legs a bit better. I was really stoked about the 14’s being too big and I am inspired to once again get back to tracking my food and going to WW meetings and finding time to workout.
I know that this week will be tough and busy, but I will find 10 minutes to do something each day and try to take a nice walk too! So, that is why I am up so early this morning, sautéing veggies to make my Tofu Scramble with Veggie Sausage (3 points plus per serving)! I was going to make it last night, but Smug-Baby, who went to bed about 7:15 last night, was kind of restless and I was tired, so I joined her in bed at 8:15!! I slept really well, except for when Smug-Baby decided to crawl up and sleep at the top of her daddy’s head, T style. It was kinda funny, but since she seemed happy I left her there until about 3:30 and then pulled her down to nurse and warm up before I had to get up.
So, now I just need to add the tofu, stir and pack up my breakfast before heading into work. Which… Yikes, I kinda need to do right now!!
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