The last week was very hard on me but it was even harder on my poor Smug-Baby. She was cutting yet another tooth (she is down to only needing 1 more and then her two-year molars) and on Tuesday night spiked a 103 temperature. She woke up, sat up and said “ice” (her word for water) about 30 times until Smug-Hub was able to grab her sippy cup and then she drank like she was parched! This was after staying latched on most of the night!! Needless to say, she had a rough day on Wednesday. It was my busiest day and my BIL was off work and watching the girls so Smug-Sister and I could work.
Backing up, I am working on my quarterly project and have been running up and down the stairs trying to work and still be a good mom and there for my sweet girl, but every time I had to go back to work or attend a meeting I would have to leave and she would scream. Which is no fun for her to be sure, but horrible for my BIL who had to try to calm and distract her and beyond horrible for me who had to sit in my meetings listening to my child who is clearing communicating her needs to me and I am not coming to her aid. She trusted me to be there for her in her times of need and I (to her mind) had abandoned her! It was awful and I am so glad that it is over finally.
The fallout has been hard because now Smug-Baby bursts into hysterics if I leave her line of sight. We can be hanging in the living room and I walk into the kitchen, out of her eyesight and she notices and begins to scream until she can see me again. I feel horrible that she is having trouble and I am not looking forward to October when I have to do this all again L
On a positive note, I was able to keep up on my daily tasks and weekly project for the most part throughout the week and was rewarded with a free weekend to hang with my family and our friends. We had Saturday brunch with my sister’s family, Saturday afternoon we drove to a friend’s lake house for swimming, visiting and dinner. Sunday we had a nice relaxed morning and then had some long-lost friends over for lunch. After they left about 3:30, Smug-Grandma came over and told us all about her trip to Belize . I didn’t have anything hanging over my head, the house looked nice and I was at peace knowing that I have a plan of attack for the whole house!
After I spend another week or so tweaking and perfecting my daily and weekly schedules there are a couple of things that I want to tackle next. One being, fitness. I need to spend some time figuring out how to add exercise to those daily and weekly schedules. I think that once I have the house stuff under control and running smoothly, it will not feel such a daunting task to add another element. Second, is food. I really want to have healthy snacks on hand, healthy food in the freezer for those busier days and a good, plant-based meal every night, on the table when Smug-Hub gets home from work. This is another area that needs a bit of thought and planning to get it to fit into my life in a way that doesn’t cause panic or frustration. Once I have those two tasks integrated, all the areas of my life should be getting the attention they need and deserve and I will finally have found the balance that I so desperately seek!!
Saying hello from the discussion tonight! Nice to get to know you. Will be following your blog now :)