Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I tired to sleep today while Smug-Baby is napping, but every time I have gotten close to drifting off, something jerks me back to being awake, so I am blogging instead!

We went to story time at the library today and Smug-Baby started to get into it by the end. I really hope that she continues to warm up to the other kids and the group leaders of these things. I think that she really likes doing stuff and I often feel like she is really bored with no one to play with here at home. She likes for me to just sit next to her while she plays with her kitchen and she likes to bring me stuff and sit on my lap while she plays with something, but I still feel like she is missing out on playing with others.

After story time, we came home and had some lunch. For the first day in a while, she really ate well! I hope that this means that either a molar has broken through (she won't let me feel around in there) or the teething has calmed down a bit. She had curried rice and veggies and she liked the broccoli a lot :) After that she asked to watch Peppa. Now that we have stopped our Direct TV service and unhooked their DVR, we no longer have access to Peppa on TV or all the episodes that I had recorded. I have ordered a DVD (from Japan of course) for $40 that has the entire series of Peppa episodes so I hope that it arrives soon. Anyway, I let her watch some episodes on my phone while I cleaned up the kitchen.

Then she proceeded to destroy every room in the house. She wasn't upset or anything, just maybe tired and bored, so she pulled toys out and played with something in every room of the upstairs, including the bathroom. She would quickly tire of whatever she was playing with and move on to a new toy in a new room. While I made the bed, she played with the xylophone and a bucket that had some blocks in it. While I hung up the towels and wiped down the sink in the bathroom, she put doll house parts into her, as yet un-used, potty. While I put away the folded diapers in her room, she tipped over her castle and pulled all the books out of the book shelf. In the dining room, while I chipped coupons, she pulled every drawer and food item out of her kitchen and tossed it on the floor. The kitchen floor is currently covered with a combination of smashed rice chex, raisins and building blocks. The living room has a laundry basket that I need to take downstairs and it holds a blanket, a baby doll and a dinosaur. The rest of the floor is covered with two strollers, a keyboard, several books, a hair brush and a partridge in a pear tree!!

I should be picking it all up while she is sleeping and getting the house back in order, but since I know that once she wakes up, there will be a lot more hours of destruction in her plans, I may just leave it for a while.

I did collect up all the trash and paper recycling and took it all out to the end of the drive, so I am feeling productive!!

Tonight, I am going to pray that Smug-Baby has a good long, full nights sleep and that I am able to wake tomorrow feeling rested and that this nagging sore throat and stuffy nose that started this morning will be all gone!! If she doesn't sleep, Smug-Hub is going to have to take her for a drive or something so I can sleep some. Not sleeping isn't good for Little-Smug you know!!

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