This weekend was really nice. Saturday was spent doing fun things as a family and Sunday was spent doing all the not so fun things as a family. Saturday morning was my nephew’s basketball game and while Smug-Baby didn’t enjoy the game much, she did enjoy running the halls with the other big kids. After the game, we had a prenatal appointment with our Doula and since it was convenient to us all, we had it my mom’s place. She ended up taking Smug-Baby shopping (where she napped in the shopping cart with a cookie in her mouth – awww) and that gave us some quality time with the Doula to discuss more of our fears and work on ways for her to help us take back control in the delivery room. It kept snowing during the visit, like full on blizzard for about 4 minutes and then the sun would come out for a while and then repeat. It was nice to be cozy beside a warm fire, having good conversation and watching the pretty flakes falling.
After that, we had a wonderful lunch at a pizza place where we had a gift card and we ate ourselves silly. Then we came home and Smug-Hub played with Smug-Baby (read: sat with her while she watched Elmo until they both fell asleep) while I took a nap. It was wonderful to sleep for a whole hour without having to pee or get up to take care of Smug-Baby. We made some dinner and hung out, having nice conversations and just enjoying being together.
Sunday was a different story. The head cold that Smug-Baby has had all week finally hit Smug-Hub and I so we were not in the best of moods and no offence to my loving husband, he is a totally piece of shit when he is sick and add to that I was sick too, and we ended up feeling a lot of not so nice feelings toward each other all day. That aside, we worked together to get the house cleaned and the laundry done, diapers washed and wipes made, groceries purchased and dinner made. Overall it was a productive if not happy day and I am glad to have all that house stuff out of the way.
This week should be fairly laid back. There is a break in Story Time at the library so we only have Melody Makers this morning and nothing else scheduled. Since the house is in good shape, I should be able to nap with Smug-Baby every day as long as I take some time each day to keep things picked up.
Tomorrow or Wednesday I need to hit the grocery store for all the things I need for Smug-Baby’s birthday party and I need to make some phone calls today to find someone to blow up the balloons I have and I need to make an appointment with the chiropractor. Friday will be busy because I need to do all the prep work and anything I can ahead for Smug-Baby’s party. The party is at 10am on Saturday, so there won’t be tons of time to get everything done. My mom is going to come over and help me with everything and may even take Smug-Baby to the mall or park or something to give me some concentrated time to work on stuff uninterrupted. That way, Saturday morning will mostly be putting the final touches on everything and enjoying myself J
I am determined to stay on track and on schedule and keep the house picked up and things looking nice. I am just going to have to do it tomorrow, because it is time for work now and I feel like death, so I am not sure I will be worth much today… Tomorrow, Tomorrow I’ll be on schedule tomorrow…
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