Wednesday, October 10, 2007


These are the flowers that were waiting for me when I returned to work from lunch! I really have the most wonderful husband ever! Here I have been having a little pity party for myself, "oh woe is me, I am getting so old, life is passing me by" and I have this really amazing man in my life who loves me more than he loves air! How many people in this world ever find what Smug-Hub and I have? How many people are in unhappy relationships, or alone, or messed up so bad from their past that they are not capable of having true love? Smug-Hub and I are so lucky to have found each other and I am totally ashamed to have forgotten that for even one second!
Smug-Hub and I have waited so long to find each other - I honestly believe that we are meant to be, and so will our buying of a house, and having children and all the rest of it. I have to stop worrying about what I don't have yet and take time, here in the present, to stop and smell the roses.