So, this week was pretty good overall. The Transformers movie was finally released on DVD, the president of my company came to town and was pleased with how things are going, we held the annual employee tent sale and it was a rounding success, and best of all.... the weekend is here!!
Transformers was released on Tuesday, I had pre-ordered it from Amazon, so it did not arrive until Wednesday which worked out well, since we had my nephew staying with us Tuesday night and we would not have been able to watch it while he was awake. My time with him was really nice, we played in the park and then he watched some Generation 1 Transformer cartoons while I made dinner and then he helped me make ice cream. He had trouble falling asleep, which I think was caused by not being in his own bed with his own stuff and his normal routine. Not to mention when you are 4 your mother is your whole life and when he stays with me he misses her terribly. It breaks my heart to hear him quietly sniffing and wiping tears away while trying to fall asleep missing her.
Wednesday the president of my company was in town, I went pretty much undetected by him, which, if I am doing my job right, is the desired result! He did have all good things to say about the way that we are running things and all the improvements and updates that have been done to help make our peak selling season run smoothly. When I left work, I took a walk with Mom while my husband finished up at work. This gave mom and I time to catch up and get a little exercise. When he was finished, we picked up some dinner and turned on the movie!!! It was so much better at the movies, but our big screen TV made it seem almost as good!! We have decided that we really NEED to get a surround sound system, to really do the movie justice!
Thursday was the employee tent sale and I was in charge of the people working it, so that translates to on my feet for 14 full hours, on asphalt!! My feet, knees and legs were so killing me by the end of it - I normally work at a desk, in an office, so my body is just not used to all the physical work of lifting, carrying and standing for long hours. I ended up spending the majority of the time working security at the tent door, to make sure that no unauthorized people got in. It sucked! But, my wonderful husband went for Chinese take out while I took a hot shower and then rubbed my feet until I fell asleep - at 8:00pm!! He got me up and I brushed my teeth, took an Advil and went to bed! I actually tossed and turned for a little while, my legs were hurting/burning/tingling so bad that I had a hard time getting comfortable. I was asleep before 10pm anyway! Smug-Hub said that he tried to wake me a bit later without success. I have no memory of it at all!!
Today, was more relaxed. I was able to get my whole list of "to do's" done and get all prepped for next week, which is going to be a killer week, but I only have these really crazy ans stressful weeks 4 times a year, the rest of the year - much better, even fun most of the time, so it is a totally cool trade off!
My sweet husband is going to an NFL game this weekend with my dad and uncle. It should be fun filled day of male bonding, easting food that is soooo good, and yet soooo bad! They are leaving Saturday evening and will be back late Sunday night. Smug-Hub is also taking a few guys out to test a new fishing rod in the morning, so I will have the house to myself most of the weekend! I bought a small pumpkin and a small butternut squash and I have plans to see what wonderful fall treats I can make! I am also going to catch up on all the taped TV shows that I have missed all week, return some wedding gifts, and clean out the spare room.
Speaking of the spare room... what a huge mess it has become! This apartment is way too small for us and we are trying to use the spare room as an office for us both, a guest bedroom and a fishing/hunting supplies room - it is just not working! I think that I am going to try to get most of my stuff organized and packed up. I can get all my school stuff packed up or tossed and everything that is needed office stuff (checks, bills, thank you notes, banking statements, etc.) I am going to take into my office at work. It will be much easier to keep important stuff there, where I can get to it, than spend an hour looking for the blank check register here at the house. I think that I will try to take everything else, including the wedding gifts that we want to keep, but have no room for, to the storage unit. While there I will pull out one of the boxes of books that I want to sell and get them onto eBay. We have got to get our lives in order and while I can't make the bills go away or make the landlord keep this place nice, or speed up the home buying or baby having processes, I can de-clutter the spare room!!
Everyone! Have a wonderful weekend and remember to be thankful for what you have and take time to smell flowers and enjoy fall!!
Sounds like a busy week. Good luck with your spare bedroom, it sounds like ours. Gun safe, desk, printer, sleeper sofa, closet full of winter jackets and personal info, bookcase, etc.