Friday, December 14, 2007

Cookies, Rum, and Tons of Laughs!!

Sassy, Sherry and I got together tonight for a cookie baking party! We were each supposed to have made one type of cookie on our own to share and then we were going to make two types together. I was unable to hold up this part of the deal because of this marketing class that is killing me already!

Sherry made 3 kinds and Sassy made two kinds and then we made chocolate, white chocolate chip cookies and gingerbread. The gingerbread was the one that I was really excited about, because of all my new cookie cutters, but they did not end up tasting very good, and the whole decorating part was a lot less fun than I was expecting. Sassy and Sherry agreed and we ended up tossing most of those.

The rest of the cookies were great and we ate ourselves silly! Sherry also brought egg nog and when combined with Sassy's rum.... needless to say we were having a great time! We ate and cooked and drank and ate and drank some more! We giggled over girl talk, sang to the Christmas songs on the radio and Sassy danced around the kitchen!

We really had a wonderful time, and I laughed until my sides ached!!

I have a lot to get done tomorrow, but it should be fine! Sunday my baby comes home to me!!

Sassy may be heading to Greensboro tomorrow and I told her that if she ends up staying the night (for "whatever" the reason), she could join me for some shopping while I wait for Smug-Hub's plane!

This has been a really busy, crazy week, but my love will be home with me soon and all will be right with the world!!! :)

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