Monday, December 17, 2007

Ho Hum Day

I am having a very ho hum kind of day today. Last week was so crazy, both with work and personal stuff, that I have been running 90 miles per hour. Today, I am already caught up on everything that I need to get done today. There are two items that I could be working on, but they are not urgent and not any fun to do, so I have been procrastinating on them.

Smug-Hub got home last night, his flight into Greensboro was about 25 minutes late and then getting the luggage took some time, so we did not make it home until about 9:30. We did not even turn on the TV, do any unpacking or anything, we just fell into bed and were asleep before ESPN could even get to talk about the highlights of the Dallas game!

He woke up this morning with a sore throat and his head all stuffed up, so he stayed home from work today. I had suggested that we take today off from work, but he wouldn't hear of it until this morning. So, I had to come on into the office :( Only good thing is that I came in about 7, so I can justify leaving before 5 no problem!

We are planning on looking at the last 3 houses on our list tonight, (there were 4, but one of them sold, which is sad because out of all 4, that one was the only one I was feeling excited about). It will get dark while we are doing this, but since I don't really have high hopes, it will be fine. I am really thinking that the first one we liked is going to be "THE" house.

A friend of mine is possibly going to need to find some short term housing after the first of the year, so if she was able to sub-let our apartment, we could close ASAP and get moved!! I honestly believe that all things work for good, and if this is the house that we are supposed to buy, we will. If we are meant to stay out our full lease, we will. If we are meant to get out of the lease, we will. There is nothing gained from worrying about it :)

I am listening to a really good book on CD, called Eat, Love, Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert my mother recommended it to me, and I was initially sceptical as my mom tends toward books that are all spiritual, and self-help-y but it is incredibly good and well written. The writer is the one reading, so you really hear exactly how she wanted things to come across and it is wonderful!!

I have failed to send out Christmas cards this year. I really wanted to have the wedding pictures by now and have been able to make those cool picture Christmas cards, but we don't, so we can't, so I didn't send anything. First of all, I am still having a hard time not bah humbugging everyone this year. Secondly, we are saving every penny for the house and cards cost money, not to even mention the ridiculous cost of postage! I think that my friends and family will forgive me - I will be able to send pictures of our new house next year!! I am sure that I will be feeling much more Christmas-y next year!

I got an "A" in my first MBA class! I was concerned about the final presentation and paper as my group failed to reach a consensus on a couple of points in our paper. I still think that his markings on the paper itself will prove that I was right, but never mind now! I am happy to have the "A" and hope that I will end up with a whole lot more of them!

OK, I have killed 10 minutes, I need to get back to work and knock out at least one of these little nasty's that are currently hanging over my head!!


  1. Stay away from me sunshine til you feel better!

  2. Oh man, I can't believe the excitement I feel at this time. Today I woke up on the couch, took a bath, grabbed a beer, and praised my savior from boredom, the Internet. Cheers.
