Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Not Pre-Term Labor

The last few weeks I have been having some cramping. It feels like I am going to start my period and if I weren't pregnant I would have been running to check every few minutes, they have been that strong and that constant. I asked the midwife about them and she wasn't overly concerned just told me to take it easy and not strain anything.

Well, I of course didn't listen and have kept up almost all of my normal pre-pregnancy activities just like I have been doing this whole pregnancy and last week it finally caught up to me.

I laid down for a nap on Friday when Smug-Baby was sleeping (I should add that I didn't want to nap, I had things to do but I was making an effort to slow down some) I napped for about an hour and woke feeling pretty good. Smug-Baby had also awoken and climbed into bed with me for a cuddle and a snuggle. The cramps have almost always been low on the left side, but as we cuddled, I could feel them in the right side too. "Crap" I thought!

I got up to take Smug-Baby to the potty and call my sister to let her know that we were going to come over and hang out with her since she had the day off work. I couldn't shake these painful cramps and they were starting to really escalate into a more painful stabbing feeling across my whole low belly. After we finished in the bathroom, Smug-Baby was upset about having to wear clothes :) and I was feeling horrible. This was really painful!! We went into the living room and I let her play for about 20 minutes while I tried to breathe and relax through this constant stabbing pain.

It wasn't like contractions at all, this was constant and really painful!! Contractions for me with Smug-Baby were intense and uncomfortable, but came and went with more pressure and this was a stabbing pain, like when you go running after a big meal and get a stitch in your side. This was lower but the same kind of pain. I felt like I couldn't stand up straight and whenever I moved the pain would double. It was horrible and I was in tears as I called the midwife.

She told me that she didn't think it was labor, but I should go into the doctor's office and get checked out to be sure. I called the doctor and they said to head on in. Smug-Baby had on one shoe and was hold half a banana (I hadn't had the ability to feed her lunch) when we walked into the office. I called Smug-Hub on the way and told him to leave work and come help with Smug-Baby. The doctor did an exam and checked the baby; we also did a sonogram to make sure that I wasn't in labor and the baby was still doing great. Everything checked out and he determined that I have pulled or strained some tendons or ligaments and that was what was causing the pain.

While I am glad that it wasn't anything more serious, like pre-term labor, it stinks that I just have to deal with the pain while the ligaments or tendons heal and I have to adjust my activities for the rest of the pregnancy so I don't strain them again or keep them from healing.

The prescription is lots of water (no problem, I drink tons of water all day every day) and more rest (harder to do when your toddler wants to have a dance party in the kitchen), getting my feet up and no more lifting of anything (again, how is this possible with a toddler?!?!?)

I think that this really scared Smug-Hub and he spent the weekend yelling at me to get back in bed and threatening to withhold back rubs unless I rested. I love that he is willing to help out, but I have a feeling that it won't last long! Doing his full time job and coming home to take over care of Smug-Baby and myself is going to get old really fast!!

So, I spent the weekend resting and working on ways of getting around picking up my child. I still sometimes have to pick her up and sometimes I simply forget that I am not supposed to, but I am working on being more conscious of it. I am also being conscious of how I feel and if I my back starts aching a bit, I stop what I am doing and go sit down. If I start feeling those stabbing pains, I will just have to call mom and she will have to drop what she is doing to come help me, because at that point I will have to go to bed I think!

I want to be smart about this and not over do or spend my energy working on something not important. Today I cleaned the toilet (just the toilet, not the rest of the bathroom) and I sorted laundry, but I didn't carry it down to the machine, I left it for Smug-Hub to carry. I can wash, dry and fold it downstairs tomorrow and he can carry it back up for me. I made a quick pasta and sauce for dinner instead of something more labor intensive and I got the bath and bedtime routine started at about 6 instead of 8.

Smug-Baby went to sleep about 9:15 and I am blogging before reading a few pages in my book and going to bed!

Tomorrow I need to work on the laundry or we will all be without clean anything and I need to collect the trash. However, Smug-Hub can take it to the road for me and can carry the baskets of clean laundry up the stairs. I plan on napping and making something else simple for dinner. I liked the early bath thing, so we may do that again too. I just need to have myself ready to relax when Smug-Hub gets home without overdoing it all day. I feel great in the mornings and then less and less great as the day wears on, so I need to get more done early so I can rest when the evening rolls around and the aching or pain starts acting up again.

It's only a few more weeks until Little-Smug arrives and then I will have a whole new life to figure out. I am going to do nothing to stand in the way of his perfect entry in his own time into this side of the world. Even if it gives my OCD tendencies a fit :)

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