I don't actually think that my husband reads my blog, but this post is dedicated to him.
Last night, I felt terrible. I actually felt awful all day really, just worn down and frustrated. After getting home from work, Smug-Sister's and the grocery store, I just hit the wall. I was trying to make dinner for us and entertain Smug-Baby and just thought I was going to crash.
I realized that my left breast was feeling lumpy and hard, something that never happens anymore. I nursed and changed positions a few times, but I couldn't get the lumpy area to soften. I knew what this meant, I have had a breast infection before and while painful and totally draining, it passes withing a few hours or a day with proper treatment.
The treatment is a warm compress, gentle pressure, lots and lots of nursing in various positions and tons of rest and water. So I kept enticing Smug-Baby to nurse and Smug-Hub fixed dinner and cleaned everything up. I was feeling too sick to eat anything, so while I laid on the couch with the heating pad and a glass of water and whined.
He played with Smug-Baby on the floor and kept her happy while I zoned out for a while and tried to concentrate on anything but feeling sick. By this time, I was feeling flu like complete with a low fever, headache and blurry vision. He got the baby all bathed and put on her lotion and PJ's, brushed her hair and teeth and entertained her while I struggled through my bedtime routine.
Smug-Baby and I curled up on the couch and she nursed on the plugged side until she fell asleep and then I took her and went to bed. She seemed to know that I needed the nursing, so she was up a lot in the night, changing positions and sides and while it wasn't a particularly restful night, I did feel that little pop of the pressure during the night as the plugged breast released. My breast is still a bit sore this morning, but it isn't hard anymore and I feel slightly better.
I wish that I had the ability to take the day off from all jobs, including the mom thing and sleep, but mostly I am so grateful that my husband stepped up and took over without my having to ask. At no point was there even a question, he saw that I was feeling poorly and just took over and got everything done! I got up early this morning to try to get the house picked up and wash the dishes, but he had done them all!! I know he had a massive headache himself last night, but he took care of everything.
I love you honey! Thank you for being the best husband ever!!
this is EXACTLY why you married him, because he is your partner and obviously LOVES you as he should. How lucky you are! (I think he knows he's lucky too)