Thursday, April 28, 2011

Looking Back

I recently asked Princess Jenn to help me get all my old posts from my SmugMarried blog moved over to this blog, so that everything is in one place. She helped get them moved and changed some of the names so that everyone matches up like they are here. I also went through most of the old posts to see if there was anything that would hurt someone I love and changing or deleting it.

Doing this allowed me to look back over the last few years of my life and read about what I was going through and all my thoughts and feelings. I started blogging as a way to let off steam as I was planning my wedding; then I blogged about searching for our house, trying to get pregnant, losing my first pregnancy, getting pregnant again and now all about Smug-Baby's little life. This is why I started blogging really, to capture a moment in time and be able to look back at it later.

I want to thank Princess Jenn for helping me to get all these thoughts, feelings, and memories into one place and allowing me to be able to keep all these memories in tact.

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