I decided that I wanted to set a goal to lose a certain number of pounds by Thanksgiving. I was thinking that it would be a great time to get to my goal and then ask for new, smaller clothes for Christmas. Well, Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went and while I have been losing and have lost quite a bit over the last year, I didn't reach my goal. I set a new goal in January to be at my goal weight by Easter.
This wasn't really an unrealistic goal; I wanted to lose another 20-25 pounds and had most of 4 months to do it. Well, Easter is this weekend and I am still gaining and losing the same 6 pounds over and over since January!
I think that I have hit a plateau regarding food. I am still not eating cleanly 100% of the time, but it should be enough of the time that I wouldn't gain and I'm not really. Like I said, it’s the same few pounds back and forth. I really feel like I am eating the right kinds of foods most of the time and not eating too much at meal times. I do have days where I can't seem to get enough and days where I eat chips and cookies, but for the most part, I eat really well.
I really think that exercise is going to be the scale tipper in my case. I really believe that you have to work on all three areas of weight loss to see results. You have to eat well, you have to work your muscles, and you have to sweat!! It is the results trifecta!! Any one will give you some benefits, but without all three you will always be missing something.
I have been giving my life a lot of thought, trying to see where and how I can fit in some exercise several days a week.
Now that the weather is getting nicer, I want to go for a bike ride at least once a week. Dad and I have been going every Saturday morning for the last 3 summers, so I want to get that started back up again, so that is one day.
Also, now that I have an SUV (more on that later), I want to get a bike rack so I can take myself and Smug-Baby for a bike ride too. Smug-Grandma loves biking too, so we are thinking we will plan to go for a ride one day during the week and take the babies. This is still in the planning stages since we aren't sure how they will do together in the trailer.
Smug-Baby's swimming classes on Saturday mornings will be over in a few weeks, so I am going to look into taking one of the Zumba classes that are being held at various churches in my area. Now, that would probably mean a bike ride and a Zumba class in the same day, but maybe that would be ok. I wish someone would hold a Zumba class on Sunday afternoons!!
I also am going to have my neighbors little girl come over one or two days a week to play with Smug-Baby while I do something around the house. We tried this last week and while they had fun together, Smug-Baby wasn't happy when she couldn't see me, so I think for a the first couple of times, I will stay close and just work on the computer or on some other project that keeps me close until she is more comfortable.
Also, we are going to join the pool at the gym, so Smug-Grandma and I can take the babies (and the boys too) to the pool a lot over the summer. That will be good exercise, playing in the pool with a bunch of kids!! Smug-Hub and I can bring Smug-Baby to the pool on the weekends too and maybe he can play with her while I take a class inside!
That is a lot of opportunities for exercise!! For right now, I am just thinking about how to fit in a little Tracy Anderson for 30 minutes today and maybe again tomorrow! I just want to feel tight and strong and in control!
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