Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Life of Leisure!

So, here I am! A stay at home mom without a care in the world! A "kept-woman"! Living a life of leisure! OK, so totally NOT!!!!

I am sitting here blogging while Smug-Baby is napping. Blogging you say? Not napping myself? What is up?!?!? Well, I have been sleeping tell about 6:30 or 7 in the mornings so I am not nearly as beat by noon as I once was and I have less need for a nap. I spent yesterday's nap filing out all the online unemployment stuff and boy was that complicated! I hope that I don't screw it up!

I also spent my first day of unemployment doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, working on diapers (finally finished refreshing all of them, so I just need to strip and wash them really well and they will be all ready for the little man). I also made a nice dinner and had the house looking all straight by the time we all went to bed.

Today, we have been to story time at the library and I have finished up some computer work and am blogging before lunch and a walk before the rain hits.

I only need to collect the trash and recycling and make dinner the rest of the day. I feel pretty good about things!

While I still have lots to do to get ready for the baby, I feel like by not getting up so early and going to work that I will have the energy to tackle them. It is very strange to me that something as small as just sleeping an hour or two more in the morning has already made such a difference in my energy level.

OK, I have to get back to eating bon bon's and watching trashy TV - just kidding :)

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