Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!

I have been so ready for this year to be over! I actually burst into tears last night when the ball dropped and Dick Clark wished everyone a happy new year. Smug-Hub kissed me and could not understand why I was crying. I couldn't and still can't really put it into words, but I just know that I have lost so much in 2008 and I am totally ready for a fresh start!

I also finally started my period, at 64 days! I am really glad that it started because that means that I will ovulate in two weeks and Smug-Hub and I have already decided that we are going to start actively trying to get pregnant. So, not only is this the first day of the new year, it is the first day of my cycle and a fresh chance for everything!

We have spent the day in bed and on the couch totally vegging and relaxing, but tomorrow we have about 40 things to get done! There are items that need to be purchased and Christmas stuff to pack up and the house to get clean. I want to get it al done, so that I can spend the day Saturday as a day of pampering for myself. Smug-Hub got me a massage gift certificate for Christmas and I am going to use that and then treat myself to lunch and maybe a little shopping since I also have a gift certificate to Ny & Co. so that will be fun!


  1. Happy new year to you!! And I'm so happy you got your period. We do fertility awareness and I recently had a cycle that went 56 days, and I thought I was going to climb the anxious about all of it. Here's to a wonderful 2009!
