Friday, May 20, 2011


We have been home from our trip to ABQ for almost a week now and I am still not recovered. That is sad considering how great the trip was and how wonderfully Smug-Baby did on the plane. She is teething though and not sleeping as well and I think that time change (2 hours) has been hard on all of us.

We had a really great time visiting with all the family and Smug-Baby warmed up to her Grandma and Uncles really quickly! I took a ton of pictures! The first day we were there we took a family trip to the zoo:

Here is Smug-Daddy! No just kidding, but they kinda look alike :)

Here, Smug-Baby is looking at the ducks. This was about the most excited she got over any of the animals - go figure!

"Mom! Look! Ducks!!"

She was, however, really interested in the other children!

Laid back, Gangsta Style!!

This guy was freakin' HUGE!!!!

Getting a good look at the monkey.

He was still only a moment before bounding around like a ping pong ball!

Enormous Porcupine


Smug-Baby liked the water animals, but I'm not sure she like the animals or the look of the water more.

I thought this was a cool shot - if I do say so myself!

Again, her love of the other kids was impossible to deny!

After the zoo trip, we spent most of our time at the house, just catching up and being together with this side of our family that we don't get to see much. 

Smug-Baby took it upon herself to rearrange Grandma's kitchen.

"This doesn't belong over there!!"

They even played a little piano together!

Smug-Baby and her Uncle Marker!!

Here she is looking at everyone eating and wishing that she had some.

This is right after she spit out the beans I gave her. Now she is trying to find them to give them to the dogs

Cutest Toes Ever!!

Leaving was really hard. I know that, in reality, traveling to ABQ again any time soon is impossible. The cost of airfare is crazy and after Smug-Baby is two, we must pay full price for her to fly, so that made this trip feel like it was our last for a while. I am really happy that Smug-Baby and her other Grandma bonded a bit and I hope that they will continue to have a relationship via Skype if we are not able to visit as often as we would like.

Kisses for Grandma!!

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