Monday, August 15, 2011


Smug-Hub and I have become obsessed with our new bed. So much so that we spent several hours this weekend re-arranging the bedroom furniture and washing the baseboards and walls and packing up old clothes and his winter stuff to make more room. We carefully checked all the plugs to make sure that we had the optimal lamp spacing for good light (our bedroom has no overhead lighting! Who thought that was smart when they were building I wonder?!?!?) We went to Wal-Mart to get organizers for Smug-Hub's clothes, so that all his stuff fits into the closets and all my stuff fits into the dresser and half of one of the closets.

We vacuumed all around and used the measuring tape to make sure that the spot we picked out for the bed will fit. I have washed all the sheets and other bedding and purchased decorative throw pillows and euro pillows and new sleeping pillows. We have spent a good deal of money that we didn't really have to make sure that once the new bed arrives we will be sleeping in luxury and comfort. We sort of figure that good, quality sleep is important and you don't buy a mattress everyday or sheets or any of that stuff and we wanted the best we could afford!!

When Smug-Baby woke up from her nap, she was a little shocked to see all the changes and no bed in our bedroom, but we took her downstairs to show her the old bed and told her that we would be sleeping down there until the new bed arrived. She seemed fine with it and slept just fine all night, so I guess she adjusted :)

We have finally gotten rid of everything in the bedroom that I had when my first serious boyfriend and I were living together. We actually purchased both the shelf that I have been using for my clothes and the headboard and floorboard for the bed as gifts for me over our time together. Now both of those are no longer in use. I purchased the mattress when we were together and within a few days I will no longer be sleeping in a bed I shared with someone else. There is something about purging items connected to bad memories that is very therapeutic!

We would eventually like to get new furniture, like matching dressers and night tables, but we didn't find anything we loved at a price we were comfortable with and to be honest, I would rather spend money on new appliances for the kitchen than on a dresser and matching tables. We will get there, but we need to pay off the bed first and I think that we would like to move our bedroom into the downstairs room at some point, but that room needs a lot of work before we can do that.

Moving our room downstairs would be really nice once Smug-Baby and any other future kids are a little bigger. They could have the two upstairs rooms and with the bathroom downstairs, Smug-Hub and I would have a space all our own. However, Smug-Baby is still sleeping with us and I don't have any desire to have her sleep upstairs and me downstairs until she is a lot bigger and if any other children come along we wouldn't want to be a floor away from them either. That gives Smug-Hub some time to get the shelving built, the bathroom finished, the closet done, the laundry room stuff done and painting! THEN, we will get new bedroom furniture!!

I am hoping and praying that in a few hours I will get a call that they can deliver the bed today. Failing that, please pray that it is tomorrow!!!! I am beyond anxious!! You couldn't tell that at all could you?!?!?

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