Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Good Day

Today has been a good day! Since I busted my butt and got all the house cleaning done, laundry folded, and grocery shopping completed over the weekend, I had very little to get done once I got home from work. But the good day started earlier than that!

Baby girl slept all night! From about 8:45 until I left for work this morning at 5am. I'm not sure when she really woke for the day, but I know that I woke her at 3 when I moved her to my other side as I was feeling very full and needed her to nurse. She did, for about 2.4 seconds and then fell right back to sleep - oh well!

I was productive at work and knocked out several projects that I had been working on and made it through the pills and such with Gramps in record time. Once I got to Smug-Sister's place, I was able to nurse a good while before Smug-Niece needed some attention and both babies were pretty happy most of the day. They both decided it was nap time about the same time and that was a challenge, but Smug-Sister was able to get her baby down while I took care of mine.

When my nephew got home from school, Smug-Baby was instantly in love! She followed him around and tried to play with all his homework papers and pencil, much to his annoyance! I left about 4:30 and went to Smug-Grandma's to get a few things that she needed to give to Gramps. She is really, really sick with this head cold/flu that everyone has. I feel so guilty that I asked her to come over and bring me stuff when I was so sick, I worry that Smug-Baby and I gave her this and believe me, it's horrible!!!

After my evening visit with Gramps, I headed home stopping only to return a library book and to get the mail. Then I folded the sheets and started a load of diapers. I straightened up the house just a touch - Smug-Hub had left it fairly perfect!

Then I made some spaghetti sauce for him using ground beef, carrots, onions, celery, garlic and a jar of Ragu. I used another jar of Ragu and some veggie crumbles to make sauce for me and started the pasta water about the time I knew Smug-Hub would be getting home from work. I made Raspberry ice tea and garlic bread. As soon as everything was ready, I ate. He wasn't home yet, but it was getting to be about 8pm and Smug-Baby wasn't going to last much longer.

I got myself and her all ready for bed and now I am sitting here watching her play and hoping to eek out a few more moments before she falls asleep - it's only 8:15!! Smug-Hub is still not home and not answering his phone or texts. The weather is supposed to get dicey, but I didn't think that it would be until later. I hope everything is OK!

Overall, it's been a good day. A long, tiring, full day, but good! Its so nice not to have a huge work list waiting for me at the end of the day. I just love having everything clean and straight and things in their homes!

Time to get this fussy girl to bed - good-night all!!

UPDATE: Smug-Hub arrived home about 9pm, not sure what kept him - I was asleep and now he is sleeping. Smug-Baby woke at 1 and was up until about 3. Not sure why!!! The roads appear to be fine, so off to work I go!!!

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