Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I woke up hungry this morning. I couldn't go back to sleep and it was only 30 minutes before I needed to get up anyway, so I got up and had two big glasses of water. I hope that it will last me until I get to work and can have my normal breakfast on my normal schedule.

I used my free time this morning to stock the new bookshelf. Smug-Hub put it together for me last night, so now it is full of books and DVD's and the top of Smug-Baby's dresser is cleared off somewhat. I need to wipe it down and arrange the little knick-knack items to make it look nice, but I wanted to get a post up and I am running out of time before I need to shower and stuff.

Yesterday, I was productive in that I completed all of the laundry except the sheets and towels and I washed all the dishes. I still need to put the clean ones away, but they are all clean and that is something. I did some of the cooking I wanted to do, and the house is fairly straightened up. All in all, I call it a win.

It was hard too, because Smug-Baby who has been consistently sleeping around two hours during the day, thus giving me time to have lunch and nap as well, only slept 30 minutes!! I tried for a while to get her back to sleep, but then it became that magical time of day where it is too late for napping and then I spent the next several hours trying to keep her happy and awake. It was exhausting! Not to mention, I didn't get to nap at all!!

She didn't know what she wanted and would ask for food and then just play with it or throw it. She kept falling and tripping on things. She cried about everything. She wanted me with her every second. She kept pointing inside her mouth, saying "ow" and asking for a kiss. Finally, she let me poke around in there and it does seems like maybe the lower-left gum is rougher, so maybe she is cutting a molar. That would explain the grumpy mood and lack of nap I guess.  She slept decently last night, waking once for me to come to her bed and another time when she came into ours (incidentally, she wouldn't lay with me, she crawled to the end of the bed to sleep between Smug-Hub's legs - go figure). I did give her some Tylenol last night before bed and tried to put some stuff on her gums, but she didn't want that. I hope she sleeps well this morning and cought up a bit.

Man, I am so hungry!! What is up with me? I had a good dinner of rice and veggies and Quorn Chicken! I shouldn't be hungry this early!! I'm gonna go shower and try to get to work without needing to knock over a grocery store!!

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